An American Community Kollel In Ramat Beit Shemesh

Join us in supporting these dedicated avreichim

Members of Kollel Beis Hillel 5784

Meet the Rosh Kollel
Rabbi Yaakov Montrose
Rabbi Yaakov Montrose

Rabbi Yaakov Montrose

Rosh Kollel

Born and raised in Chicago, Rabbi Yaakov Montrose learned in Yeshivas Tiferes Tzvi (elementary school), Yeshivah Gedolah of Greater Detroit (high school), Yeshivas Beis Yisrael, HTC, and the Mir. He then learned in Kollel Toldos Tzvi for six years in Yerushalayim, where he studied “Mesechtos Aliba d’Hilchasa.” He has written the Sefer Yoshev Ohalim Al HaTorah, and the three volume Halachic World series (Feldheim). He has been a Magid Shiur at Yeshivas Hagra, and a member of Kollel Iyun Hadaf, for fourteen years. For a sample of his Sefarim and Shiurim, including hundreds of Shiurim that can be downloaded free of charge, please visit

Here is a sample of what some Rabbanim say about Rabbi Montrose:

I know Rabbi Montrose from when he was very young, and he possesses excellent skills in learning, learns with Hasmadah, and has pleasant Middos. May he continue in his holy work to be from the Mezakei HaRabim.
Rav Dovid Zucker
Rosh Kollel Zichron Shneur, Chicago

He should succeed in learning and teaching Torah and may the public benefit from the light of his Torah.
Rav Doniel Lehrfield
Rosh Yeshivas Beis Yisroel

Learning All Day

Providing classes for the entire community

Kollel Beis Hillel has shorter shiurim for working and retired men, too.

Rabbi Montrose’s morning gemorah shiur.
R’ Asaf Prisman’s evening Mishnah Berurah.
Rabbi Montrose’s evening parsha shiur.

YOU can empower the next generation of scholars with your financial support!

Other ways to Donate

Donate in Israeli Shekels to our SIF 46 organization with an official Israeli Tax Receipt

Donate via the PayPal Giving Fund

Please make checks out to:

Kollel Beis Hillel
(Tax ID# 47-4287954)
and mail to Kollel Beis Hillel
c/o Rabbi Yaakov Montrose
6614 N. Whipple, Chicago Il 60645

Thank you to our donors from the Erev Shavuos Campaign!

Bubby and Zaidy Kosowsky

October 10, 2024

Donation to Kollel … Amount Donated

Savta and Zaidy Goldberg

October 10, 2024

Donation to Kollel … Amount Donated

Ilana Montrose

October 8, 2024

Donation to Kollel … Amount Donated

Orit Salander

September 26, 2024

Donation to Kollel … Amount Donated

ilana montrose

September 10, 2024

Donation to Kollel … Amount Donated

Menachem Weiss

September 2, 2024

Donation to Kollel … Amount Donated

Ilana Montrose

August 12, 2024

Donation to Kollel … Amount Donated

Devorah Green

August 5, 2024

Donation to Kollel … Amount Donated

Menachem Weiss

August 2, 2024

Donation to Kollel … Amount Donated

Ilana Montrose

July 8, 2024

Donation to Kollel … Amount Donated

Menacheem Weiss

July 1, 2024

Donation to Kollel … Amount Donated

Zev Feiger

July 1, 2024

Donation to Kollel … Amount Donated

Lawrence Seltzer

June 30, 2024

Donation to Kollel … Amount Donated

Gloria Bell

June 19, 2024

Erev Shavuos 5784 Fundraiser Amount Donated

Cherney Kowalsky

June 18, 2024

Erev Shavuos 5784 Fundraiser Amount Donated

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